來源:社科賽斯考研網 | 2019-03-19 09:20:28
noose /nu:s/
n. 套索
His debts were a noose around his neck.
Burberry apologizes for sweatshirt featuring a noose around the neckline
After a model called Burberry out for showing a sweatshirt with a noose around the neckline during London Fashion Week, the luxury brand announced that the item has been removed from its latest collection.
在一個模特指出Burberry在倫敦時裝周上展示了一款領口飾有吊繩的毛衣后,這個奢侈品品牌宣布,這件單品已從最 新的新品系列中移除。
The sweatshirt was part of Burberry's "Tempest" line, for autumn/winter 2019.
Model Liz Kennedy saw the sweatshirt while getting ready to walk in Sunday's runway show, and was disturbed.
"Suicide is not fashion," she wrote in an Instagram post. "It is not glamorous nor edgy. Let's not forget about the horrifying history of lynching either. There are hundreds of ways to tie a rope and they chose to tie it like a noose completely ignoring the fact that it was hanging around a neck."
Burberry CEO Marco Gobbetti and Chief Creative Officer Riccardo Tisci both apologized, and Gobbetti released a statement saying the company is "deeply sorry" for the "distress" caused by the sweatshirt.
Burberry的首席執行官 Marco Gobbetti和首席創意官Riccardo Tisci都做出道歉,Gobbetti還發表了聲明來表達公司對這款毛衣帶來的“負面感受”抱以“深刻的歉意”。
"Though the design was inspired by the marine theme that ran throughout the collection, it was insensitive and we made a mistake," he said.