Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the kid's understanding of going to school.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
“Why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?”
Section A
Directions : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B), C.and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
1.A.He will give the woman some tips on the game.
B.The woman has good reason to quit the game.
C.He is willing to play chess with the woman.
D.The woman should go on playing chess.
2.A.The man can forward the mail to Mary.
B.She can call Mary to take care of the mail.
C.Mary probably knows Sally's new address.
D.She would like to resume contact with Sally.
3.A.His handwriting has a unique style.
B.His notes are not easy to read.
C.He did not attend today's class.
D.He is very pleased to be able to help.
4.A.The man had better choose another restaurant.
B.The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.
C.The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.
D.The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.
5.A.He has been looking forward to spring.
B.He has been waiting for the winter sale.
C.He will clean the woman's boots for spring.
D.He will help the woman put things away.
6.A.The woman is rather forgetful.
B.The man appreciates the woman's help.
C.The man often lends books to the woman.
D.The woman often works overtime at weekends.
7.A.Go to work on foot.
B.Take a sightseeing trip.
C.Start work earlier than usual.
D.Take a walk when the weather is nice.
8.A.The plane is going to land at another airport.
B.All flights have been delayed due to bad weather.
C.Temporary closing has disturbed the airport's operation.
D.The airport's management is in real need of improvement.
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9.A.It specializes in safety from leaks.
B.It is headquartered in London.
C.It has a partnership with LCP.
D.It has a chemical processing plant.
10.A.He is Mr.Grand's friend.
B.He is a safety inspector.
C.He is a salesman.
D.He is a chemist.
11.A.Director of the safety department.
B.Mr.Grand's personal assistant.
C.Head of the personnel department.
D.The public relations officer.
12.A.Walt for Mr.Grand to call back.
B.Leave a message for Mr.Grand.
C.Provide details of their products and services.
D.Send a comprehensive description of their work.
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
13.A.She learned playing the violin from a famous French musician.
B.She dreamed of working and living in a European country.
C.She read a lot about European musicians and their music.
D.She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14.A.She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
B.She was a pupil of a famous European violinist.
C.She gave her first performance with her father.
D.She became a professional violinist at fifteen.
15.A.It gave her a chance to explore the city.
B.It was the chance of a lifetime.
C.It was a great challenge to her.
D.It helped her learn classical French music.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hearsome questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A., B),C.and D ).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.
Passage One
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16.A.There are mysterious stories behind his works.
B.There are many misunderstandings about him.
C.His works have no match worldwide.
D.His personal history is little known.
17.A.He moved to Stratford-on-Avon in his childhood.
B.He failed to go beyond grammar school.
C.He was a member of the town council.
D.He once worked in a well-known acting company.
18.A.Writers of his time had no means to protect their works.
B.Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
C.His works were adapted beyond recognition.
D.People of his time had little interest in him.
Passage Two
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
C.Air crash.
D.Road accidents.
20.A.Learn the local customs.
B.Make hotel reservations.
C.Book tickets well in advance.
D.Have the right documents.
21.A.Contact your agent.
B.Get a lift if possible.
C.Use official transport.
D.Have a friend meet you.
Passage Three
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
22.A.Cut down production cost.
B.Sell inexpensive products.
C.Specialise in gold ornaments.
D.Refine the taste of his goods.
23.A.At a national press conference.
B.During a live television interview.
C.During a local sales promotion campaign.
D.At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
25.A.The words of some businesspeople are just rubbish.
B.He who never learns from the past is bound to fail.
C.There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.
D.He is not laughed at, that laughs at himself first.
Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the firsttime, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for thesecond time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what youhave written.
Looking at the basic biological systems, the world is not doing very well.Yet economic indicators show the world is (26) Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the (27) The economy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs were created.How can biological indicators show the 28 of economic indicators?
The answer is that the economic indicators have a basic fault: they show no difference between resource uses that( 29) progress and those uses that will hurt it.The main measure of economic progress is the gross national product (GNP). (30) , this totals the value of all goods and services produced and subtracts loss in value of factories and equipment.Developed a half-century ago, GNP helped (31) a common way among countries of measuring change in economic output.For some time, this seemed to work (32 )well, but serious weaknesses are now appearing.As indicated earlier, GNP includes loss in value of factories and equipment, but it does not( 33 )the loss of natural resources, including nonrenewable resources such as oil or renewable resources such as forests.
This basic fault can produce a( 34 )sense of national economic health.According to GNP, for example, countries that overcut forests actually do better than those that preserve their forests.The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for (35 )the forests.
Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
The U.S.Department of Education is making efforts to ensure that all students have equal access to a quality education.Today it is(36) the launch of the Excellent Educators for All Initiative.The initiative will help states and school districts support great educators for the students who need them most.
"All children are(37 )to a high-quality education regardless of their race, zip code or family income.It is (38 )important that we provide teachers and principals the support they need to help students reach their full (39) ," U.S.Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said." Despite the excellent work and deep( 40 )of our nation's teachers and principals, students in high-poverty, high- minority schools are unfairly treated across our country.We have to do better.Local leaders and educators will (41 )their own creative solutions, but we must work together to (42) our focus on how to better recruit, support and(43) effective teachers and principals for all students, especially the kids who need them most."
Today's announcement is another important step forward in improving access to a quality education, a (44 )of President Obama's year of action.Later today, Secretary Duncan will lead a roundtable discussion with principals and school teachers from across the country about the (45 )of working in high-need schools and how to adopt promising practices for supporting great educators in these schools.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.
The Changes Facing Fast Food
A)Fast-food firms have to be a thick-skinned bunch.Health experts regularly criticise them severelyfor selling food that makes people fat.Critics even complain that McDonald's, whose logosymbolises calorie excess, should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup.These arethings fast-food firms have learnt to cope with.But not perhaps for much longer.The burgerbusiness faces more pressure from regulators at a time when it is already adapting strategies inresponse to shifts in the global economy.
B)Fast food was once thought to be recession-proof.When consumers need to cut spending, the logicgoes, cheap meals like Big Macs and Whoppers become even more attractive.Such "trading down"proved true for much of the latest recession, when fast-food companies picked up customers who could no longer afford to eat at casual restaurants.Traffic was boosted in America, the home of fast food, with discounts and promotions, such as $1 menus and cheap combination meals.
C)As a result, fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their more expensive competitors.In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6% , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains.In some markets, such as Japan, France and Britain, total spending on fast food increased.Same-store sales in America at McDonald's, the world's largest fast-food company, did not decline throughout the downturn.Panera Bread, an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients, performed well, too, because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants.
D)But not all fast-food companies have been as fortunate.Many, such as Burger King, have seen sales fall.In a severe recession, while some people trade down to fast food, many others eat at home more frequently to save money.David Palmer, an analyst at UBS, a bank, says smaller fast- food chains in America, such as Jack in the Box and Carl's Jr., have been hit particularly hard in this downturn because they are competing with the global giant McDonald's, which increased spending on advertising by more than 7% last year as others cut back.
E)Some fast-food companies also sacrificed their own profits by trying to give customers better value.During the recession companies set prices low, hoping that once they had tempted customers through the door they would be persuaded to order more expensive items.But in many cases that strategy did not work.Last year Burger King franchisees (特許經營人)sued (起訴)the company over its double-cheeseburger promotion, claiming it was unfair for them to be repuired to sell these for $1 when they cost$1.10 to make.In May a judge ruled in favour of Burger King.Nevertheless, the company may still be cursing its decision to promote cheap choices over more expensive ones because items on its "value menu" now account for around 20% of all sales, upfrom 12% last October.
F)Analysts expect the fast-food industry to grow modestly this year.But the downturn is makingcompanies rethink their strategies.Many are now introducing higher-priced items to entice (引誘)consumers away from $1 specials.KFC, a division of Yum! Brands, which also owns Taco Belland Pizza Hut, has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $5.And in May Burger Kingintroduced barbecue (燒烤)pork ribs at $7 for eight.
G)Companies are also trying to get customers to buy new and more items, including drinks.McDonald's started selling better coffee as a challenge to Starbucks.Its " McCafe" line nowaccounts for an estimated 6% of sales in America.Starbucks has sold rights to its Seattle's Bestcoffee brand to Burger King, which will start selling it later this year.
H)As fast-food companies shift from "super size" to "more buys", they need to keep customer traffichigh throughout the day.Many see breakfast as a big opporttmity, and not just for fatty food.McDonald's will start selling porridge (粥)in America next year.Breakfast has the potential to bevery profitable, says Sara Senatore of Bernstein, a research firm, because the margins can be high.Fast-food companies are also adding midday and late-night snacks, such as blended drinks andwraps.The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, "we can sell to consumersproducts they want all day," says Rick Carucci., the .chief financial officer of Yum ! Brands.
I)But what about those growing waistlines? So far, fast-food firms have cleverly avoided governmentregulation.By providing healthy options, like salads and low-calorie sandwiches, they have at leastgiven the impression of doing something about helping to fight obesity (肥胖癥).These offeringsare not necessarily loss-leaders, as they broaden the appeal of outlets to groups of diners thatinclude some people who don't want to eat a burger.But customers cannot be forced to ordersalads instead of fries.
J)In the future, simply offering a healthy option may not be good enough."Every packaged-food and restaurant company I know is concerned about regulation right now," says Mr.Palmer of UBS.America's health-reform bill, which Congress passed this year, requires restaurant chains with 20 ormore outlets to put the calorie-content of items they serve on the menu.A study by the NationalBureau of Economic Research, which tracked the effects on Starbucks of a similar calorie-postinglaw in New York City in 2007, found that the average calorie-count per transaction fell 6% andrevenue increased 3% at Starbucks stores where a Dunldn Donuts outlet was nearby--a sign, it issaid, that menu-labelling could favour chains that have more healthy offerings.
K)In order to avoid other legislation in America and elsewhere, fast-food companies will have tocontinue innovating (創新).Walt Riker of McDonald's claims the change it has made in its menumeans it offers more healthy items than it did a few years ago."We probably sell more vegetables,more milk, more salads, more apples than any restaurant business in the world," he says.But therecent proposal by a county in California to ban McDonald's from including toys in its high-calorie"Happy Meals", because legislators believe it attracts children to unhealthy food, suggests there isa lot more left to do.
46.Some people propose laws be made to stop McDonald's from attaching toys to its food specials for children.
47.Fast-food finns may not be able to cope with pressures from food regulation in the near future.
48.Burger King will start to sell Seattle's Best coffee to increase sales.
49.Some fast-food firms provide healthy food to give the impression they are helping to tackle the obesity problem.
50.During the recession, many customers turned to fast food to save money.
51.Many people eat out less often to save money in times of recession.
52.During the recession, Burger King's promotional strategy of offering low-priced items often proved ineffective.
53.Fast-food restaurants can make a lot of money by selling breakfast.
54.Many fast-food companies now expect to increase their revenue by introducing higher-priced items.
55.A newly-passed law asks big fast-food chains to specify the calorie count of what they serve on the menu.
Section C
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A., B), C.andD ).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
If you think a high-factor sunscreen (防曬霜)keeps you safe from harmful rays, you may be wrong.Research in this week's Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas(黑瘤)and delays their occurrence, it can't prevent them.Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers.You have a higher risk if you have red or blond hair, fair skin, blue or green eyes, or sunburn easily, or if a close relative has had one.Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun.Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure.
There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer.A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed.A second study, comparing 1,167 people with melanomas to 1,101 who didn't have the cancer, found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats,long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection.This study said other forms of sun protection not sunscreen seemed most beneficial.The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives, so it's not entirely reliable.But it seems reasonable to think sunscreen gives people a false sense of security in the sun.
Many people also don't use sunscreen properly applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long.It is sunburn that is most worrying recent research shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increases the risk of all skin cancers.
The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign.So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, slop on (抹上)sunscreen and slap on a hat.
56.What is people's common expectation of a high-factor sunscreen?
A.It will delay the occurrence of skin cancer.
B.It will protect them from sunburn.
C.It will keep their skin smooth and fair.
D.It will work for people of any skin color.
57.What does the research in Nature say about a high-factor sunscreen?
A.It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.
B.It is ineffective in case of intense sunlight.
C.It is ineffective with long-term exposure.
D.It is ineffective for people with fair skin.
58.What do we learn from the 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people?
A.Sunscreen should be applied alongside other protection measures.
B.High-risk people benefit the most from the application of sunscreen.
C.Irregular application of sunscreen does women more harm than good.
D.Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.
59.What does the author say about the second Australian study?
A.It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.
B.It helps people to select the most effective sunscreen.
C.It is not based on direct observation of the subjects.
D.It confirms the results of the first Australian study.
60.What does the author suggest to reduce melanoma rates?
A.Using both covering up and sunscreen.
B.Staying in the shade whenever possible.
C.Using covering up instead of sunscreen.
D.Applying the right amount of sunscreen.
Passage Two
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
Across the rich world, well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less-skilled.Some65% of American men aged 62 -74 with a professional degree are in the workforce, compared with32% of men with only a high-school certificate.This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor.Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled.The consequences, for individuals and society, are profound.
The world is facing an astonishing rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before.Over the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double, from 600 million to 1.1 billion.The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity (長壽)translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.
But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people, whereas older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America, where well-educated baby-boomers (二戰后生育高峰期出生的美國人)are putting off retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.
Policy is partly responsible.Many European governments have abandoned policies that used to encourage people to retire early.Rising life expectancy (預期壽命), combined with the replacement of generous defmed-benefit pension plans with less generous defined-contribution ones, means that even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement.But the changing nature of work also plays a big role.Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding generation.Technological change may well reinforce that shift: the skills that complement computers, from management knowhow to creativity, do not necessarily decline with age.
61.What is happening in the workforce in rich countries?
A.Younger people are replacing the elderly.
B.Well-educated people tend to work longer.
C.Unemployment rates are rising year after year.
D.People with no college degree do not easily find work.
62.What has helped deepen the divide between the well-off and the poor?
A.Longer life expectancies.
B.A rapid technological advance.
C.Profound changes in the workforce.
D.A growing number of the well-educated.
63.What do many observers predict in view of the experience of the 20th century?
A.Economic growth will slow down.
B.Government budgets will increase.
C.More people will try to pursue higher education.
D.There will be more competition in the job market.
64.What is the result of policy changes in European countries?
A.Unskilled workers may choose to retire early.
B.More people have to receive in-service training.
C.Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
D.People may be able to enjoy generous defined-benefits from pension plans.
65.What is characteristic of work in the 21st century?
A.Computers will do more complicated work.
B.More will be taken by the educated young.
C.Most jobs to be done will be the creative ones.
D.Skills are highly valued regardless of age.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
1.D)。選項中多次出現game和play chess,可以推測對話內容與下象棋有關。另外,從四個選項的內容審可以椎測,對話講的府該縣女士想放棄下象棋,男士給出建議或指導。
本題的關鍵在于聽懂反問句和反問的語調。女士說因為今天又輸了,所以打算放棄下象棋。男士沒有正面回應,而是反問了兩句:Just because you lost?Is that any reaSon to quit?”僅僅是因為輸了嗎?那能算是放棄的理由嗎?”言外之意就是不該放棄。換句話說就是,男士建議女士繼續下棋。故本題答案為D)。
2.C)。選項中出現了mail,address和contact等詞,可以推測對話內容和郵件有關:由選項中的瑪麗和薩利兩個人名可知對話的內容涉及另外兩個人,人物較多,聽錄音時應注意區分人物之間的關系,做好標記;另外,選項A)以the mail作主語,選項B)和D)以she作主語,可以推測該題會從女士的角度提問,女士的話為聽音重點。
本題的關鍵在于聽到細節“Mary should know it.”男士想把薩利的郵件轉寄給她,問女士是否知道她的地址。女士說自己很久沒跟薩利聯系了,但是結尾補充了一句:“瑪麗應該知道地址。”故本題答案為C)。
解題的關鍵是聽懂反意疑問句。女士想要借男士的筆記看,男士沒有正面回答,而是反問道:You've never seen my handwriting,have you?“你沒看過我的筆跡,對嗎?”言外之意就是自己的筆跡難以辨認,不易讀懂。故本題答案為B)。
4.A)。四個選項中反復出現了choose和restaurant等詞,由此推測對話內容與選擇飯店有關。另外,選項A)和D)均是講男士選擇飯店,而選項B)和C)則出現了dating和her,故可推測該題可能是從女士的角度看待男士所選擇的飯店,女士的話為聽音重點。男士說今晚要帶女朋友去新開的飯店過生日。女士說她上周去過,太讓她失望了。從rather disaDpointing可以聽出女士話語中強烈的否定意味,言外之意就是建議男士不要去這家飯店了,應該另選一家。故本題答案為A)。
6.B).四個選項中,A)和D)以the woman為主語,B)和C)以the man為主語,選項在內容上較分散,可以推測該題并非針對男士或女士個人的話提問,而是考查對整個對話的理解,聽音時應注意從全局把握對話內容。
7.A)。選項中涉及work,on foot,trip和walk等詞,可推測對話和步行上班或旅行相關。四個選項均為動詞短語,由此可推斷該題會對建議或計劃進行提問,應特別注意和建議或計劃相關的表述。
12.C)。對話中,女士說let me suggest Something,由此可知,其后就是女士對男士的建議,即為該題的答案。對話中,女士建議男士將其公司產品和服務的詳情以及其他公司的推薦信一并寄送過來,之后會和男士聯系,故C)為答案。
22.B)。短文提到,拉特納在1984年接管了父親的珠寶連鎖店后,決定以最低的價格賣出低檔產品,選項B)中sell inexpensive products是原文sell downmarket products的同義轉述,故B)為答案。
29.sustain。此處應該填入動詞原形作從句謂語,上文的先行詞reSource uses充當其主語。sustain意為“保持,維持”。
30.In simple terms。此處應該填入副詞或介詞短語作狀語。in simple terms意為“簡言之”。
33.take into account。此處應該填入動詞原形或動詞短語。take into account意為“考慮,重視”。
35.using up。此處應該填人動名詞或動名詞短語來作介詞for的賓語,并和forests進行搭配。usingup意為“耗盡,用光”。
36.A)announcing。動詞辨析題。句首出現時間狀語today,空格位于系動詞is和名詞短語thelaunch of…之間,因此空格處需要填人動詞的現在分詞形式,構成現在進行時。前一句提到,美國教育部正在努力確保所有學生享有接受高質量教育的平等權利。因此,空格處需要填人一個能夠與名詞launch構成動賓搭配的動詞,表示“宣布開始實施一項方案或活動”。由此確定announcing為本題答案,意思是“宣布”。備選詞中,distributing意思是“分發,散布”,與此處文意不符,且無法與launch構成動賓搭配,故排除。
37.K)entitled。動詞辨析題。空格前面是系動詞are,后面是介詞to及其賓語,因此空格處需要填入形容詞作表語或者動詞的被動語態,并與介詞to搭配。上文提到,美國教育部今天宣布開始實施為所有學生提供優秀教育工作者的活動方案,本句解釋了實施此方案的原因,即所有孩子都應有權利接受高質量的教育。因此,空格處需要填人一個表示“有權利”或“有資格”的形容詞,且能夠與介詞to搭配,備選形容詞中只有entitled同時符合這兩項要求,由此確定其為本題答案。be entitled to意思是“有……資格”。備選詞中,beneficial意思是“有利的,有益的”,與此處文意不符,排除;qualified意思是“有資格的”,但不能與介詞to
41.H)develop。動詞辨析題。空格前面為助動詞will,后面為名詞短語their own creative Solutions,因此空格處需要填入動詞原形,與will構成一般將來時態,并與名詞Solutions構成動賓短語。Solutions意思是“解決方案”,因此填入的動詞應該表達“想出,找到”或“研究出,制定出”的意義。由此可以確定,動詞develop為本題答案,意思是“形成”。備選詞中,enhance意思是“增強,提高”,retain意思是“留用”,均不能與Solutions搭配,且與此處文意不符,因此可以排除。
42.J)enhance。動詞辨析題。空格前面是動詞短語work together及動詞不定式符號to,后面是名詞短語our focus,因此空格處需要填入動詞原形,且與Our focus構成動賓搭配。根據上下文,教育部長認為我們必須共同努力增強對于某些問題的關注。因此,空格處填人的動詞應該表達“增強,增加”的意義,由此可以確定,動詞enhance為本題答案,意思是“增強,提高”。備選詞中,develop已經用過,直接排除;retain意思是“留用”,與此處文意不符,也可以排除。
43.O)retain。動詞辨析題。根據and前面的兩個動詞recruit和support及其形式可以判斷,空格處需要填入的是動詞原形,且與recruit和support構成并列關系,recruit意思是“招募”,support意思是“支持,配備”,賓語都是空格后的effective teachers and principals,由此可以確定,動詞retain為本題答案。
46.K)由題干中的propose laws和toys定位到文章K)段畫線處。
47.A)由題干中的cope with,pressures和food regulation定位到文章A)段畫線處。
48.G)由題干中的Burger rang和Seattle’sBest coffee定位到文章G)段畫線處。
49.I)由題干中的healthy food,give the impression和obesity定位到文章I)段畫線處。
50.B)由題干中的recession,customers和fast food定位到文章B)段畫線處。
51.D)由題于中的eat out,save money和recession定位到文章D)段西線處。
52.E)由題干中的Burger King,strategy和low-priced items定位到文章E)段畫線處。
53.H)由題干中的selling breakfast定位到文章H)段畫線處。
54.F)由題干中的introducing higher-priced items定位到文章F)段畫線處。
55.J)由題干中的a newlypassed law,specify the calorie count和menu定位到文章J)段畫線處。
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